I workout m-f for at least 30min a day. I honestly didn't think my body could change much more than it did with Supreme 90 & the treadmill, boy was I wrong!!! My legs, arms and abs are leaner and much "sexier" looking than the bulky "guy" muscles you get with free weights. I have womanly abs and arms now. Everyone is noticing the change and I've only been at it for a couple months, 2-3 days a week. I am so much stronger and MUCH more flexible now. I started on the intermediate-intermediate level (due to the previous workouts) and have moved into intermediate-advanced a few weeks ago. When you perfect the moves, you'll know! It's a great burn. It even targets those really stubborn high upper inner thighs that are so hard to tone. Mine are well defined now! Even my butt has had some lift with less jiggle, lol! Highly recommend. Yes, it has some good weight and bulk...but it had to to support you well while doing the moves. I have no issues with this because I feel I got my moneys worth in a great quality product! Bring on summer and that two piece with confidence!!!